My name is Ananya Munjal and I am a medical student at Medical College of GA. My creative interests include cooking, painting and dancing. I first became interested in cooking when I was around 5 years old, when I got my easy bake oven. I was obsessed with that thing. I used up all the recipe packets they gave within the first two weeks of having it I think. That just made me get more creative though. I started experimenting with flour, sugar, and oil. The things I made turned out not bad according to my brother. When I turned 6, my Dadi (paternal grandma) and mom began allowing me to help in the kitchen. I started making rotis and eventually progressed to one of my favorites, achaar (Indian pickle). I love the combination of spice and acidity. Learning how Indian spices work from my Dadi and my mom grew my cooking passion. I slowly started cooking on my own and creating my own dishes by the time I was 10. In middle school I took things to the next level, and started learning about food science (it was a Science Olympiad event). I know super nerdy, but I learned so much about taste and baking ingredients! This led me to enter a baking phase in high school. In college, I stopped cooking as much because I had no kitchen, instead I lived off: hot pockets, instant mac and cheese and sriracha. I started cooking again my last year of undergrad and created a food instagram (@Munjal_Makings) my summer going into med school. I am creating this website in order to share my creations and hopefully inspire other people to grow their passion in cooking!